📄️ getAccountInfo
Returns all information associated with the account of provided Pubkey
📄️ getBalance
Returns the lamport balance of the account of provided Pubkey
📄️ getBlock
Returns identity and transaction information about a confirmed block in the
📄️ getBlockHeight
Returns the current block height of the node
📄️ getBlockTime
Returns the estimated production time of a block.
📄️ getBlocks
Returns a list of confirmed blocks between two slots
📄️ getLatestBlockhash
Returns the latest blockhash. On Atlas, the blockhash is the state root of the chain at a particular slot.
📄️ isBlockhashValid
Returns whether a blockhash (state root) is still valid or not
📄️ getSignatureStatuses
Returns the statuses of a list of signatures. Each signature must be a
📄️ getSlot
Returns the latest slot
📄️ getSignaturesForAddress
Returns signatures for confirmed transactions that include the given address in
📄️ sendTransaction
Submits a signed transaction to the cluster for processing.
📄️ simulateTransaction
Simulate sending a transaction
📄️ requestAirdrop
Requests an airdrop of lamports to a Pubkey
📄️ getTransaction
Returns transaction details for a confirmed transaction
📄️ getMultipleAccounts
Returns the account information for a list of Pubkeys.
📄️ getProgramAccounts
Returns all accounts owned by the provided program Pubkey