Users can withdraw assets back to Ethereum by interacting with the Atlas Bridge SPL program on Atlas L2. Withdrawals involve a multi-step process to ensure the security of user funds and integrity of the Atlas state. Once a withdrawal is initiated, the user will automatically receive assets to a specified Ethereum address after the withdrawal is proven and finalized.
Withdrawals are currently supported for assets originating from Sepolia testnet.
Program Interface
The withdrawal process is initiated on the Atlas L2 with the withdraw
instruction in the atlas-bridge-spl
pub struct Withdraw {
pub eth_to_address: [u8; 20], // Ethereum recipient address
pub eth_token_address: [u8; 20], // Token contract address on Ethereum
pub padding: [u8; 24], // Reserved for future use
pub native_burn_amount: u64, // Amount of SOL to withdraw
pub token_burn_amount: u64 // Amount of tokens to withdraw
Key actions performed by the withdraw
- Burns tokens from user's Associated Token Account (ATA) if withdrawing SPL tokens
- Transfers ETH from user to the native vault PDA if withdrawing ETH
- Updates the EVM state account to track withdrawal counts
- Returns the withdrawal data via
and creates aWithdrawalAccount
Withdrawal Flow
Initiation on Atlas L2
- User initiates withdrawal via the Altlas Bridge SPL program.
- Program processes tokens and assigns withdrawal ID in
- Withdrawal data is merkleized and prepared for submission to L1
Finalization on Ethereum L1
- Atlas state root and withdrawal root are committed to the L1 via the Atlas Oracle contract
- Withdrawals are proven against the Atlas state in the Oracle and stored in the Bridge contract
- Assets are released from the Bridge after finalization period ends
Withdrawal Proofs
The withdrawal process on L1 is handled by the Oracle and Bridge contracts and involves three steps:
1. Commiting Atlas State
The Atlas Oracle contract maintains the state of the Atlas L2 chain. A Proposer
node is responsible for committing state proposals to the Oracle at a specified slot interval.
Each state proposal contains a hash of the state root and withdrawal root which is used to verify withdrawals on Ethereum.
2. Proving Withdrawals
Withdrawals are proven to the Bridge contract by supplying an Atlas state proof and a withdrawal merkle proof. The Bridge verifies these proofs against the Oracle and records the proven withdrawal with a timestamp, emitting a WithdrawalsProven
3. Finalizing Withdrawals
Withdrawals are finalized after the finalization period has passed for both the proven withdrawals and the Atlas state that was used to prove them.
Once final checks are passed, the Bridge releases funds to the recipient's address and emits a WithdrawalFinalized
The Bridge emits events for each step of the withdrawal process:
event WithdrawalsProven(
uint64 indexed atlasStateIndex,
bytes32 indexed atlasStateOutput,
uint64 indexed atlasBlockNumber,
bytes32[] withdrawalHashes
event WithdrawalFinalized(
uint64 indexed withdrawalId,
bytes32 indexed withdrawalHash,
address indexed toAddress,
address tokenAddress,
uint256 ethAmount,
uint256 tokenAmount
Security Considerations
Finalization Period: A mandatory waiting period (set in the Atlas Oracle) must pass between proving and finalizing a withdrawal. This allows time for fraud challenges.
Merkle Proofs: Withdrawals are proven using Merkle proofs against a root hash stored in the Atlas Oracle, ensuring only valid withdrawals can be processed.
State Verification: The withdrawal proof is validated against a specific Atlas state index, which must remain unchanged during finalization.
Double-Spend Prevention: The contract tracks finalized withdrawals to prevent double-spending.