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Why build on Atlas?

Fast, reliable and verifiable

Atlas uses a single Sequencer node to order and execute transactions. By focusing execution in a single node, Atlas enables consistent 50ms block times and requires far less networking overhead than Solana. As a result, it is much easier to predict when a transaction will be included.

Another outcome of the choice to use a sequencer node is consistent transaction ordering. By ordering transactions consistently, the sequencer protects users from front-running and sandwich attacks that plague other chains.

Atlas's sequencer is fully verifiable. State roots are generated for every block, creating a verifiable record of transactions that any Replay node can independently validate.

A better read layer

Atlas improves the SVM read layer by building features on top of Solana's raw byte-based approach.

rpcX allows developers to define custom data transformations and aggregations directly and register those transformations with every RPC node on Atlas. This eliminates the need for complex client-side deserialization logic and dependency on external SDKs, making data access simpler and more maintainable.

The Token Metadata program acts as an on-chain registry for token metadata and eliminates the need for off-chain metadata services.

More composable

Atlas is built for composability both on and off-chain. On-chain, the 10x larger transaction size unlocks smart contract interactions that would require multiple transactions on Solana. Off-chain, Atlas's modular codebase makes it simpler for developers to fork and deploy their own custom RPC infrastructure. The enhanced read layer mentioned above further improves composability by making it easier to build applications that integrate with multiple protocols.

Better explorer experience

The Atlas Explorer revolutionizes how users interact with blockchain data through several key innovations:

  • Intelligent Transaction Parsing: By leveraging rpcX, Atlas Explorer provides more detailed and user-friendly transaction information compared to traditional block explorers. Complex interactions are broken down into clear, meaningful components that both developers and users can easily understand.

  • AI-Powered Transaction Summaries: Integration with OpenAI transforms technical transaction data into plain English summaries. This feature helps users quickly understand complex transaction sequences without needing deep blockchain expertise.

  • Continuous Improvements: We continuously improve Atlas Explorer based on user feedback and usage patterns. This way, the explorer evolves to meet the needs of its users.

Note: the Atlas Explorer is in beta.

Ready to build on Atlas?

We're actively looking for DeFi teams that push the boundaries of what's possible on blockchain. If you're interested in building a core application on Atlas, reach out to the team on X. If you're just getting started, check out our Quickstart guide to deploy your first application or sample program.