Item Valuation API, Residential Properties

This page will help you get started with getting the Valuation of any given house in the United States

This page will help you get started with getting the Valuation of any given house in the United States

Sample Call

get_RP_valuation(city="San Francisco",address="4321 Oakridge Lane")

Sample Response

    "ownership": {
      "address": "7155 Bayberry Street Richardson, TX 75080",
      "developer": "PulteHomes",
      "timestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "original_price": {
        "amount": 720000,
        "currency": "USD"
      "owned_by": ""
    "valuation": {
      "appraisal": {
        "05": 1200000.4,
        "50": 1600000.5,
        "95": 1700000.4,
        "currency": "eth"
      "discounts": {
        "05": 0.1824,
        "50": 0.3619,
        "95": 0.4558
      "confidence": 0.75


# Our explainability  will be at the bottom of the API response payload
	"Explainability" : {
    "Neighborhood" : 0.94,
		"School District" : 0.88,
    "Size": {
      "Beds": 0.86,
      "Sqft" 0.83,
    "Crime Rate" : 0.44

Here's an exhaustive list of Explainability factors:

# Potential Explainability Factors:
{"Neighborhood", "School District", "Size", "Crime Rate", 
 "Distance to Hubs", "Amenities", "View"}


# If there is a warning, it will be at the bottom of the API response payload
	"warning" : "warning Message"

#Other Warnings:
{ Warning: "Apartment complex detected and unit not specified, we've returned the Valuation of Unit 1 by default" }
{ Warning: "This house seems to have been foreclosed recently, hence the low price" }
{ Warning: "We don't have any data on this house, hence our Confidence is very low" }


get_RP_valuation(city="San Francisco",address="4321 Oakridge Lane")

Results in:

  Error: "No such address found"

Other Errors

{ Error: "No such city found" }
{ Error: "There are multiple houses at the given address. Please enter a city" }
{ Error: "Empty call. Please add an address and/or a city in your call" }